A memory

So I have lots of memories that come flooding back at different times. This one came after I left the show the other night with Sage and Kristoff. On the drive home I was of course thinking of Mikey and missing him. I looked out at the night sky and the time that Mikey and Maxx were out with the Living Legends came into mind. At the show here in the twin cities which was in April I think we got snow that night. Now the Legends are from a warm climate California. So I being the interfering mother that I am. Went out and got them hats and gloves. I got those stretch kind, one size fits all. They each got a hat and gloves, then we had a little snowball fight outside the hotel before they got on the bus. In the mix of pictures I have I have a few from that day. Someday I will put these and many more on a disc so they can be seen by many but for now I have them in photo albums. I did a lot of film pictures before digital came out. I just started in the last 5 years using digital.  When we were looking through them to put some together for Mikey funeral we had 3 scanners going and about 5 people looking and we only went through about 1000 of them. I do have about 10 full albums plus a couple of boxes full so you see there is a lot. I have a lot of good and bad memories I hang on to the good and try very hard to let go of the bad. When someone passes it’s natural to think of the things we could of done better or different. I’m fairly good at not dwelling on the things I can’t change but that doesn’t mean that they don’t hurt as much as the good. I like a lot of people have regrets my biggest one is I didn’t give Mikey the strength to get away from the people who were sucking the life out of him. The funny thing about that is it wasn’t the music, fans, the work, or even his family obligations it was the few who did what he and I called this game of “come here come here come here then get away get away get away”.  It’s the major regret I have not giving him the strength or tools to break from those who kept him close and at bay. Which was a great cause to his internal conflict. Thanks for reading, supporting, loving, and continuing to spread Mikey’s message. Love Kathy

This Article Has 8 Comments
  1. Ean "ez A" Crowe says:

    We love you Kathy. Thank you for sharing what is on your heart with all of us. I will be in your neck of the woods to visit some family over the 4th of July weekend and plan to visit the park and pay my respects, finally. Thank you again for bringing such an amazing person into this world, and furthermore being such an amazing person your self. Truly touching and inspirational.

    <3 ez A

  2. Stephanie Morillos says:

    Hey Kathy, I appreciate you sharing that. I would also like to add that you shouldn’t blame yourself for “not giving him the tools” to be a little stronger, because you see, you did all that you could do, and that’s why Mikey was the person that he was, because of you, and he’s an amazing person. At the same time, Mikey was his own person as well, and there is only so much you COULD do, the rest was up to him. Mikey had a big heart, and he wore it on his sleeve, and with people that do that, they can attract a certain kind of spirit to them. Unfortunately, those kind of people can get the best of us without us even realizing it until it’s too late. Anyway, I feel like I’m rambling now, I hope this helps? Stay strong, you are an amazing woman.

  3. Anna Cashin says:

    Oh Kathy! This is so beautiful! Is that paypal link the one for donating shipping for those who purchase Mikey’s books and things? Also maybe I’ll ask this privately but were ANY of those books children’s books by chance? I have sentimental value for those one because I have children and two because of several conversations I had with Mikey about the deep impressions they leave on a child’s psych…during many a poker night in my mom’s basement.

  4. Infinite Knowledge says:

    Micheal will always be my favorite artist of all time. I never got to meet him in person or make music with him like I always dreamed but anyone with a heart and ears could tell he was a very sincere guy through his music. Everyday I listen to his music, and everyday I learn more from his words. I’ve gained more knowledge from one of his records than I have from school all the way from kindergarten up to my graduation day. I think what your doing is great, the world needs more mothers like you Kathy. Stay strong.

  5. Steven M says:

    Dont be so hard on yourself Kathy, we are all human and we all make mistakes.. We all wish sometimes we could go back in time and change that one moment because of the “what if” question. If mikey were here he’d want us to move forward and rejoice what hes done and to be thankful for the memories we had that shaped us who we are today. We are always here for you and thanks for the post, i always look forward to reading them.
    Wish you well =)

  6. JoeitAll says:

    It is so awesome that a Mom can be so supportive of a music career, because most parents aren’t… You are a special lady and know that Mikey will be missed by all “real” music fans..

  7. Murs says:

    Found this site through a fan. So glad I did. Thanks Andrew. And thank you Kathy for sharing with us. It’s wild that the newest post and first post I read included a memory we shared. Thank you for warming us Cali kids up. And as far as rap moms go and moms in general you are one of if not the most supportive I’ve ever met.

  8. Steven says:

    beautiful thanks for sharing memories

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