Something I miss about Mikey

This will be a short little story but one of the things I miss about Mikey is how much he cared about everyone in his life. Here’s one time out of many Mikey did something to show how much. I have a degree in Psychology, Education, and Ministry anyway I was teaching at a job I really liked, the students were great kids just a little lost in our education system. So I got these kids to improve their work, become more organized, improved family relations partly because their schooling improved. But funding was cut and I was no longer wanted at the school. Mikey went out got me a gift card and wrote me a note. He said that it’s to bad the school didn’t know what they had in me and that he knew I made a big difference with these kids that will last their life time. He was right of course a few of those old students still keep in touch, ask for help with school, and came to many of Mikey’s shows. Then of course I took a different type of job for the past few years I have been working for just one great student. Mikey wrote on a poster for her after one of her school concerts “I’m glad you keep my mom out of trouble” He was very glad I could work in schools and not have the hassles, paperwork, and judgements of teaching.

Mikey’s generous nature is something I miss a lot on most days. He always tried to improve everything he came in contact with even if it was just making you think someone really cares which he did. Sometimes I think he cared to much and took some much of the worlds pain inside him but he never give up the thought that by giving help to others improves the whole world.

One of the lessons I think Mikey was trying to teach us.

Love Kathy

This Article Has 5 Comments
  1. This was really touching to me, made my eyes watery <3 I'm a softie. "Here For You" is one of my favorite songs, because it truly expresses what you just said. I look up to Mikey for his introspect and selflessness. That song is what I try to achieve daily – to be there for people and "not for any self centered reason". Any time I feel alone little verses of his come to mind "I'm lonely, but everybody's lonely, so I know at least I'm not alone." I can tell by his music that he seemed very caring, I care for people too – anybody I come in contact with. And you know what? To help people I do give my own words of encouragement . . . but I quote Mikey to them on a daily basis it seems! It ALWAYS helps, too. Sometimes when people feel like they're slipping or losing themselves, I show them "The Dive" part one, then two – and they're astounded. They feel so much better after they read and listen, just as I do. I never got to meet Mikey, but from his music I feel his presence, his insight, his encouragement, his humor, his love, his talent. Your work with those children is indeed priceless. I wish it were as simple as "Surely someone must not UNDERSTAND how important her work is". If only the world would APPLY their knowledge of bettering the world by always making funding for compassion and time invested in worth while human beings! Some children, as you know, have nobody – their home life gives them no support, direction, or aspiration – they need someone to step into their life to help them see what a gem they are, like what you did. I'm sure that you reaching into their lives will continue to inspire them, just as my teachers inspired me. I'm fortunate enough to have had good teachers take interest in me, and maintain my grades on my own, stayed out of trouble, etc. I still think about my favorite teachers, and even come to see them sometimes (although I have to SNEAK into my high school to do so.. haha) 🙂 I just wanted to show some support, and say that I think it is a wonderful thing that you're doing, uniting your family and the fans for Mikey. How rare <3

  2. Lance says:

    I dont have much to say rite now but iv read most of your post n i cry alot knowing the pain u go thru. I feel lost now. I didnt discover he past away til like a month after and it shocked me. I never expected someone so yung to just be gone like that. So many thoughts go thru my head when i hear one of his songs or his name being mentioned. He touched many peoples lives thru music and still will. I will show my kids EYEDEA and bond with them as much as u did with mikey. Thankz for sharing so much with us all and i just wanna kno more about micheal larsen and hear more stories about him.

  3. Anna says:

    Always in our hearts.

  4. Gi says:

    Dear Kathy,

    My name is Gi. I am a 20 year old from the South. Let me first introduce myself a bit. I am a trans-gendered man, who has stayed strong through the years here in a social dark age. The bullying and abandonment left me high and dry, and I had lost much hope in my peers and my family; pretty much society in general. I was bitter, cold, and reluctant to wake up every morning.

    Then one day I came across a beautiful song, which you may have heard about.
    “Smile” it was called. And indeed, I smiled genuinely for the first time in years.
    Kathy I wish you saw my eyes after that song. You would have taken a step back, and realized how astonishing the art of music really is.

    I want you to know that your son’s impact has had a ripple effect on my entire life. I cannot begin to list the trials and errors Mikey has helped me through with his art.
    I wanted to say thank you, most of all.
    Thank you for staying strong, raising him, and living with the admirable pride you do today. I could not thank you enough.

    If you ever need anything and you are in South Carolina/North Carolina, undoubtedly know I will gladly help. It is the very least I can do.

    You have family every where.

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

    that kid who learned to smile.

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