
It has been a couple of years now that our dog Shasha passed. For those of you who lost a loved one, be it pet or human you can understand how you always miss them. Those who have not lost anyone yet, I hope you can empathize at how hard it is for us who have. Because one day you will, that is life. You are born, live, and them move on. So as I said our dog passed and then of course Mikey. I still come home somedays and think the dog will come to the door, I even sometimes say Hello thinking Mikey would be over. But no, not him or the dog are here anymore. I do believe they are together, having fun, playing together. It doesn’t make being here better but it does at a note of we will all be together one day. The weather here is just like when Shasha passed, not like Mikey. If you remember this time last year it was a strange weather pattern. We had a low system that stayed for over a week in one place which had not happened before according the weather bureau. These days of sun and warmth are what I asked Mikey for because there is so much left to do for the dedication. I have been told by parents they are not sure they could be so strong, I thank you but I don’t feel strong. I feel alone even with everyone around. I had a house full of people, kids, family, friends, I get love, encouragement, and stories from all of you, yet I’m still alone. Being alone isn’t a bad thing it is just a thing. Like many things that happen in life so does being alone. It changes what you think about getting older, about where you will be and who will be there, about how much you want to do or did or can do, and it makes you wonder how you’ll be remembered. So let me tell you about our dog. As all the kids from the house can say she was super smart. When she was little she would jump up on the kitchen table when we left and wait for us to come back. She even tried it when she was way to big. She would also chew on the backs of the shoes of the last person out of the door. It was like she knew who left. Mikey and her slept together when they were young and then she got her own bed at the foot of his. She would even go sleep in his bed when he was out on tour. I would get up and not be able to find her cuz she was in his room. I would have to call just to find her. Mikey did this thing to new people who came to the house. He would say watch and the dog sit and then spit and she would open her mouth waiting for it. It was so gross but everyone had to watch and we all would say gross. She did this thing when girls were hugging Mikey she would bark and get in the middle of them. Now not all the girls but she was a great judge of character. She never liked a couple of the girls he went out with and man was she right. One still is causing me trouble. Shasha was a mix

This Article Has 2 Comments
  1. Chris Keller says:


    You have such a way with words. Thank you for reminding me of the Sasha-Mike dynamic that once existed here on earth and now exists in the stars. I miss them both as well with you. I love you and shall see you soon. Thanks for sharing this. -Chris

  2. Ian Cee says:

    Sounds like you have a lot of core healing to do yet and I wish you the very best with that. Of course it’s not a linear process, and it may take a lifetime. But hopefully, like you said, one day you will be reunited with your son and you will have healed before-hand so you can be at peace with him wherever you end up…Knowing him, you’ll probably be flying around the cosmos looking for bends in the space and time continuum. Or sitting on a river bank together with Sasha.

    It’s hard to believe anyone who cared about Micheal would be giving you trouble, sorry to hear that as well.

    I know what it’s like to “feel alone even with everyone around,” and I am sorry to say that I think that feeling might just stick around forever. Losing your number-one-human changes everything…I can say from experience, that there are moments of joy and beauty yet to come, but there will always be a very present sense of aloneness too.

    We come and we go, alone.
    Hope you can find some peace in that.
    Love to you.

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