
So I put some of this on the other sites but wanted to add more. You know how it is somedays I just miss him so much. Well I want to just give a bit of what I’m doing. Something I have noticed is that kleenex when your crying works better than puffs. I though they were all the same but since my crying in general life has increased, I have noticed. Also because my nose doesn’t run when I’m crying I keep the tissue for the whole day and when there has been a few hours in between cries. The sodium dries and makes them hard. We all know what salt feels like. As you know the 1st list of books went up. I hope some of you go read a few. I will do more this week. We are putting together a few up coming shows. A some big and some small. Everything for good causes. So stay tune you never know what I’m going to do or where I’ll show up. My mom has put together a new poetry book and put Mikey’s writing in it. She has gone through 2 of his journals and say this one will be a bit more about him than the last one. She feels that last was a lot about her grief which she still has but wants it to be more about the hope Mikey shared and the happiness he felt. Look for it around then end of March. Personally we have a tree burning in March. It is an Irish tradition, which we have done forever. Each year in spring we burn a pine tree it gives the answer to what the planting season will be like. It is also used to remove negative energy. Now last year we had a ton of snow but as always we burned the tree. It did of course give us a few flakes just so we knew Mikey was around. Another time at a burning when we all where just reminiscing about Mikey each one of us got a couple drops of rain on our face but those who were not their got hailed on. He does let you know he’s around.  Mikey always loved fires he would sit and watch how the flames flicker, the coals being that burnt red, he would tell me stories about how this looks like something or how the flames and fighting the wood. He could sit in silence for hours and just watch the fire. I miss that, the way we could just be quite with one another. Thanks for listening, supporting and the love for us.  Love Kathy

This Article Has 4 Comments
  1. geo says:

    I would love to know where to find this ‘1st list of books’ (I’m an avid reader), and where to find the things you put on ‘the other sites’. I am very un-hip (by choice) when it comes to social media… so maybe this was a silly question… but it would make my day to know. Thank you and blessings.

  2. geo says:

    One more thing… I’ve tried to order cds and shirts a few times now and I always get the same message-‘this site has timed out’-deal. I would really like to purchase this music and not have to download it for ‘free’ (I deeply and truly appreciate this art more than most) If anyone can help me out with this I would really appreciate it. Thank you. : )

  3. Skeet says:

    I haven’t been able to write anything about this in so long. I want you to know that I respect you more than any person I have ever EVER heard about in my entire life. You were, are and always will be the mother to the greatest human being to ever grace my presence. Your son saved my life many times. He was not only the greatest lyricist and freestyler alive, but a mind that could not be tamed. He showed me that it’s okay to be weird, and that knowledge is something learned from every single thing in life, not just school. I never met Mikey, because I have extreme social anxiety, and shows have always made me uncomfortable. I regret NOTHING more. My point in telling you all of this is, simply, that I am now going to travel the country and play shows. I have been listening to E&A since I was 15, and I am now 23. I will never let the chance to meet such an amazing mind pass me up again. Also, I want you to know that if I EVER get a chance, I want to give you a hug. Because you are as important to me as he was.

    I can’t express what I’m trying to properly. I just want you to know that when Mikey passed, he shattered into a billion little pieces and every single person who’s life he ever touch gained a little piece of him. I feel that I got his confidence. I will see you some day, Kathy. I will buy you coffee, and I will give you a hug. I will express to you how similar your son was to me, and I will properly express what I want to.

    Until that day, I hope you hold your head up.
    You’re the mother to a lot more than Mikey now.

    … I hope SOME part of this made sense.

    Thank you so much for everything,
    Keaton ‘Gross Boy’ Egizi

  4. Brandon says:


    First off Thanks for the story. i never met mike but i feel very close to him threw his music he inspires me to rap and to keep living every day. I think its safe to say i love the guy. mikey always said he would come back as rain i think that was definetly him showing you he was there. i just wanted to say thank you for the story that way u keep putting them up here. thank you.

    LOVE Brandon

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