Feeling this week

I have had a lets say interesting week. I have been missing Mikey as always but the things I’m missing are a wide range. I miss his hugs, he had a way of just surrounding me with his arms, I miss how he with all most everybody instinctively knew what you needed, how he laughed from deep within his diaphragm, the fact that even if we didn’t see or talk to each other daily I knew he had been at the house, I could come in and know he had been there, now days I’m not sure who is here or been here. I now have to split up what I talk over with to professionals where as when Mikey was here I could talk with him and a few friends. Even through Mikey would talk to everyone and do it for hours, I do less of that. I have a few things that need to get sorted out and have to make appointments to talk out things. I know many of you reading this will say “you can talk to me” I wish I could but the truth is these are things hard to explain and the way people in my family and what I call that inner circle react to things not as hard to explain and how well the cyber world has defended Mikey and me I don’t want people to over react. Kinda turned into a Vent well at least some of this stuff gets said out loud. So more venting I feel, I can’t remember what Mikey and I did the last Mother’s day we were together. I remember many of them, I remember what my family did the first one after he passed, I remember many of the gifts he gave, but I just can’t remember the very last one before. It bugs me the things I can’t remember like where I put his hat, or his phone, or this picture of him skate boarding. Funny how our minds decide what and when things come and go. I don’t know how some of you keep so much straight. Brady/Brody your amazing. I thank you All for reading, staying with me in the world of space, continuing the support of Mikey’s endeavors, and the love that comes from all over. Love Kathy

This Article Has 7 Comments
  1. Noboru Garcia says:


  2. Estephanie Casarin says:

    I know what you mean, Kathy. I lost my stepdad last January and I hate that I cant remember every lesson he taught me or every time we spent together. How sometimes I didnt appreciate him or I was really rude to him. How when we fought I always wanted to have the last word. I wish I could take it all back. I remember that on Chriatmas he gave me a blanket and whenever I miss him I take it out and just drown myself in it, I take out some pictures and just think back at all those great times we had. Be strong Kathy, i know you are. Its amazing to me how strog and humble you are. It has to be one of the worst things to lose someone you love so much, a part of yourself. I pray that everything is well with you. Thank you for everything Kathy. I appreciate you sharing these deep thoughts with Mikey’s fans. Its still hard to believe hes gone. Thanks again. R.Eye.P.

  3. stevenm says:

    Thanks for sharing kathy, it reminds me and others that im not alone. I lost my aunt and uncle this week, they now are part of the wide range of things i miss every day. But the birth of my cousin the next day reminded me also how beautiful life can be. I cant remember everything but im glad for the mermories that i still have. Were here for you =)
    I wish you well Kathy and never stop shining

  4. Ali says:

    Dunno what to say ,Mikey should have been so happy having a kind mother like you and you should be proud

  5. Kelly Noack says:

    Kathy… I feel for your loss. When I found out he wasn’t here anymore I felt a slug in my gut. It was hard to breathe. I need people who reassure me that life keeps going. I told all my friends about his passing. I support you and your growing after a loss… Wish I could add more. He was and still is an amazing inspiration to the underground masses. I’m in Idaho Falls, Idaho and still am amazed at the beauty he brought into this world. I love you Kathy for inspiring an amazing person who blew so many minds… Thanks again,

  6. brian says:

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for raising such an amazing son. Our lives are so short and he certainly lived his to the fullest. He has accomplished more than I have in my whole (so far) by the time he was 18. His music continues to inspire me everytime I hear it. All the worlds a stage and we are merely players. And its probably in my own interest to say it but. If you didnt play your role as a mother so well, i would never have heard his beautiful wisdom or recieved such great inspiration. So i am grateful to you. Thanks. And thanks to everyone involved for making this website. love and peace.

  7. April says:

    I just want to say I became a fan tonight. It’s never to late to be inspired. Take care of yourselves first, this is what he wants. He is at peace and not sad. He is with you when you think he is.

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