Music, Uncategorized

Micheal “Eyedea” Larsen Shirt Design Contest!

Over the years there have been various shirt designs, and now we want to open up it up and let fans submit the next design! To enter: Submit your Micheal "Eyedea" Larsen related shirt design to CrushkillRecords@gmail.com by noon CST on Wednesday, September 25th. Avoid using: Logos and copyrighted photos (email with any questions if you're in doubt). Stick to…read more
Events, Friends and Family, News Articles, Video

A Vaudeville Presentation of E&A’s “Big Shots”: Saturday, November 10th

A Vaudeville Presentation of "Big Shots" Rapping | Breakdancing | Freestyles | Theatre -- All united by the common themes of hip-hop culture amongst high schoolers, and inspired by the Eyedea and Abilities song "Big Shots," an early, all-ages event held at Highland Park Senior High School, Mikey's alma mater and where he is an inductee in their alumni hall…read more

Fan made Eyedea Song List

A fan on Tumblr came up with a pretty thorough song list of Micheal Larsen guest appearances, side projects, etc. After a post on the Eyedea and Abilities Facebook page revealed a few omissions, the list underwent some edits. The list (as of 6/27/12) is at 234 songs, and is complete with links to YouTube, Myspace, etc. where you can…read more
Music, News Articles, Video

Unique Technique’s 30th Birthday Tribute to Micheal Larsen

Patrick Pegg of Unique Techniques got together with Kathy, Chris (Kristoff Krane) and Terrell (Carnage) to put together an hour and fifteen minute podcast commemorating the 30th birthday of Micheal Larsen, featuring an interview with Kathy Averill. The results speak for themselves. We miss you Mike. Carnage beatboxing "Star Destroyer" from Eyedea & Abilities 2004 album E&A Carnage The Executioner…read more